Chapter 128. Catalog Browse
Catalog Browse enables you to browse bibliographic headings available in your catalog. You can click the hyperlinked bibliographic headings to retrieve catalog records that contain these headings. Also, if a given bibliographic heading is linked to an authority record, and if that authority is linked to another one via the first authority’s See and See Also tags, the additional variants of (e.g.) an author’s name will appear in your search results.
Use Catalog Browse
To access this feature, navigate to the catalog search page, and click the link, Browse the Catalog. By default, you can browse by title, author, subject, or series. System administrators can revise this list by editing the file at the location opac/parts/qtype_selector.tt2, and they can even make use of custom indices based on defintions in the database’s config.metabib_field table.
Enter a term or part of a term to browse. Evergreen will retrieve a list of bibliographic headings that match your query. Click the Back and Forward buttons to page through you results. To limit your browse results to a specific branch or copy location group, select the appropriate unit from the drop down menu, and click Go.
Select a link from the search results. Each linked heading displays the number of bibliographic records associated with the heading. Appropriate information from linked authority records, if any, appears below the main entry heading.
To return to your list of results, click the browser’s back button or Browse the Catalog. Evergreen will return you to your previous position in your list of results.
A new global flag warns users when they are entering a browse term that begins with an article. Systems administrators can create a regular expression to configure articles matched with specific indices that would prompt a warning for the user. By default, this setting is not enabled.
To enable this feature, click Admin → Server Administration → Global Flags.
Double click Map of search classes to regular expressions to warn user about leading articles.
Make changes, and click Save.