In-house Use (F6)

1) To record in-house use, select CirculationRecord-In House Use, click Check OutRecord In-House Use on the circulation toolbar , or press F6.


2) To record in-house use for cataloged items, enter number of uses, scan barcode or type barcode and click Submit.



There are two independent library settings that will allow copy alerts to display when scanned in In-house Use: Display copy alert for in-house-use set to true will cause an alert message to appear, if it has one, when recording in-house-use for the copy. Display copy location check in alert for in-house-use set to true will cause an alert message indicating that the item needs to be routed to its location if the location has check in alert set to true.

3) To record in-house use for non-cataloged items, enter number of uses, choose non-cataloged type from drop-down menu, and click Submit.



The statistics of in-house use are separated from circulation statistics. The in-house use count of cataloged items is not included in the items' total use count.