
Display Authority Subject Heading Thesaurus Value

There is now a new column in the Manage Authorities search results. Each result row now displays each authority’s thesaurus value with a "Thes: " prefix. In the authority MARC editor interface the thesaurus value corresponds to the "Subject Heading Thesaurus" fixed field ( labeled “Subj”. For example, a value of "Thes: a" means that the authority is a Library of Congress Subject Heading, and a value of "Thes: k" means the authority is a Canadian Subject Heading.

A Library of Congress list of thesaurus values:

  • '' = Alternate no attempt to code
  • a = Library of Congress Subject Headings
  • b = LC subject headings for children’s literature
  • c = Medical Subject Headings
  • d = National Agricultural Library subject authority file
  • k = Canadian Subject Headings
  • n = Not applicable
  • r = Art and Architecture Thesaurus
  • s = Sears List of Subject Headings
  • v = Repertoire de vedettes-matiere
  • z = Other
  • | = No attempt to code

Importing Statistical Categories

You can now retrieve statistical categories (stat cats) from the MARC record and apply them to the items in Evergreen. When importing or overlaying items through the Vandelay MARC batch import process, edit your Holdings Import Profile to tell Evergreen which subfield contains your stat cat data. That subfield in your MARC records should be formatted like the following:


Notice that the pipe character | is used to separate each category from its value, and two pipes separate each pair of category values.

If you are overlaying existing copies which already have stat cats attached to them, the overlay process will keep those values unless the incoming copies contain updated values for matching categories.

Remove the ‡ Z39.50 target from seed data

The Z39.50 target at has not worked for years, so its service definition is no longer provided in the seed data for new installations of Evergreen.

Users of existing Evergreen systems should consider removing the Z39.50 definition for ‡ This can be done from Admin | Server Administration | Z39.50 Servers in the staff client.

SKOS for coded values

Some vocabularies used (or which could be used) for stock record attributes and coded value maps in Evergreen are published on the web using SKOS. The record attributes system can now associate Linked Data URIs with specific attribute values. In particular, seed data supplying URIs for the RDA Content Type, Media Type, and Carrier Type in this release.

This is an experimental, "under-the-hood" feature that will be built upon in subsuquent releases.

MARC Tag-table Service

The tag tables for the web staff client MARC editor are now stored in the database rather than a separate XML tooltips file as used by the XUL MARC editor. The tag-table service, which is part of the web staff client sprint 2 preview in this release, has the following features:

  • specifies whether (sub)fields are optional or mandatory
  • specifies whether (sub)fields are repeatable or not
  • a coded value map can be associated with a subfield to establish a controlled vocabulary for that subfield
  • MARC field and subfield definitions can be overridden by institutions further down in the organizational unit hierarchy. This allows, for example, a library to specify definitions for local MARC tags.
  • values supplied by the tag-table service are used to populate values in context menus in the web staff client MARC editor.

The initial seed data for the in-database tag table is derived from the current tooltips XML file.

Web staff client cataloging preview

The web staff client now includes additional functionality to support cataloging and item maintenance, including:

  • a new MARC editor
  • the service backing the authority headings chooser now has the ability to filter the browse by subject thesaurus
  • Z39.50 search and record import
  • improvements to copy and record bucket functionality
  • embedding the link checker interface
  • embedding the MARC batch import/export interface
  • the web staff volume/copy editor

Nearly all of the cataloging functionality available in the XUL staff client is now present in the web staff client with the exception of printing spine labels. Nonetheless, the web staff client remains a preview and is not recommended for production use.