Managing role-based permission groups in the database

While the ability to assign a user to multiple permission groups has existed in Evergreen for years, a staff client interface is not currently available to facilitate the work of the Evergreen administrator. However, if you or members of your team are comfortable working directly with the Evergreen database, you can use this approach to separate the borrowing profile of your users from the permissions that you grant to staff, while minimizing the amount of overlapping permissions that you need to manage for a set of permission groups that would otherwise multiply exponentially to represent all possible combinations of staff roles.

In the following example, we create three new groups:

Then we add three new users to our system: one who needs to perform some cataloging duties as a student; one who needs perform some circulation duties as a student; and one who needs to perform both cataloging and circulation duties. This section demonstrates how to add these permissions to the users at the database level.

To create the Student group, add a new row to the permission.grp_tree table as a child of the Patrons group:

INSERT INTO permission.grp_tree (name, parent, usergroup, description, application_perm)
SELECT 'Students',, TRUE, 'Student borrowers', 'group_application.user.patron.student'
FROM permission.grp_tree pgt
 WHERE name = 'Patrons';

To create the Student Cataloger group, add a new row to the permission.grp_tree table as a child of the Staff group:

INSERT INTO permission.grp_tree (name, parent, usergroup, description, application_perm)
SELECT 'Student Catalogers',, TRUE, 'Student catalogers', 'group_application.user.staff.student_cataloger'
FROM permission.grp_tree pgt
WHERE name = 'Staff';

To create the Student Circulator group, add a new row to the permission.grp_tree table as a child of the Staff group:

INSERT INTO permission.grp_tree (name, parent, usergroup, description, application_perm)
SELECT 'Student Circulators',, TRUE, 'Student circulators', 'group_application.user.staff.student_circulator'
FROM permission.grp_tree pgt
WHERE name = 'Staff';

We want to give the Student Catalogers group the ability to work with MARC records at the consortial level, so we assign the UPDATE_MARC, CREATE_MARC, and IMPORT_MARC permissions at depth 0:

WITH pgt AS (
  FROM permission.grp_tree
  WHERE name = 'Student Catalogers'
INSERT INTO permission.grp_perm_map (grp, perm, depth)
FROM permission.perm_list ppl, pgt

Similarly, we want to give the Student Circulators group the ability to check out copies and record in-house uses at the system level, so we assign the COPY_CHECKOUT and CREATE_IN_HOUSE_USE permissions at depth 1 (overriding the same Staff permissions that were granted only at depth 2):

WITH pgt AS (
  FROM permission.grp_tree
  WHERE name = 'Student Circulators'
) INSERT INTO permission.grp_perm_map (grp, perm, depth)
FROM permission.perm_list ppl, pgt

Finally, we want to add our students to the groups. The request may arrive in your inbox from the library along the lines of "Please add Mint Julep as a Student Cataloger, Bloody Caesar as a Student Circulator, and Grass Hopper as a Student Cataloguer / Circulator; I’ve already created their accounts and given them a work organizational unit." You can translate that into the following SQL to add the users to the pertinent permission groups, adjusting for the inevitable typos in the names of the users.

First, add our Student Cataloger:

WITH pgt AS (
  SELECT id FROM permission.grp_tree
  WHERE name = 'Student Catalogers'
INSERT INTO permission.usr_grp_map (usr, grp)
FROM actor.usr au, pgt
WHERE first_given_name = 'Mint' AND family_name = 'Julep';

Next, add the Student Circulator:

WITH pgt AS (
  SELECT id FROM permission.grp_tree
  WHERE name = 'Student Circulators'
INSERT INTO permission.usr_grp_map (usr, grp)
FROM actor.usr au, pgt
WHERE first_given_name = 'Bloody' AND family_name = 'Caesar';

Finally, add the all-powerful Student Cataloger / Student Circulator:

 WITH pgt AS (
  SELECT id FROM permission.grp_tree
  WHERE name IN ('Student Catalogers', 'Student Circulators')
INSERT INTO permission.usr_grp_map (usr, grp)
FROM actor.usr au, pgt
WHERE first_given_name = 'Grass' AND family_name = 'Hopper';

While adopting this role-based approach might seem labour-intensive when applied to a handful of students in this example, over time it can help keep the permission profiles of your system relatively simple in comparison to the alternative approach of rapidly reproducing permission groups, overlapping permissions, and permissions granted on a one-by-one basis to individual users.