Part X. Serials

Table of Contents

110. Serials
MFHD Records
111. Serials Administration
Serial Copy Templates
Creating a Serial Copy Template
Modifying a Serial Copy Template
Deleting a Serial Copy Template
Prediction Pattern Templates
Creating a Prediction Pattern Template
112. Serials Module
Create a Subscription
Create and Manage Predictions
Predict Issues Using a New Prediction Pattern
Predict Issues Using a Prediction Pattern Template
Predict Issues Using a Prediction Pattern from a Bibliographic and/or MFHD Record
Manage Issues
113. Receiving
Quick Receive
Receiving from the Manage Issues tab
Receive Next Issue and Barcode
Receive Next Issue (no barcode)
Batch Receiving
Batch Receive and Barcode
Receive multiple issues (no barcode)
114. Routing Lists
115. Special Issues
Adding Extra Copies
Adding Special Issues
116. Binding Issues
117. Holdings
System Generated Holdings Statement
MARC Format for Holdings Display (MFHD)
Create an MFHD record
Edit a MFHD record
Delete a MFHD Record
118. Group Serials Issues in the Template Toolkit OPAC
Displaying Issues in the OPAC