Public Catalog

Search Term Highlighting

Evergreen now highlights search terms on the public catalog’s main search results page, the record detail page, and intermediate pages such as metarecord grouped results page. Highlighting search terms will help the user determine why a particular record (or set of records) was retrieved.

Highlighting of matched terms uses the same stemming used to accomplish the search, as configured per field and class.

This feature will help the user more quickly determine the relevance of a particular record by calling their attention to search terms in context. Lastly, it will help familiarize the user with how records are searched, including which fields are searched as well as exposing concepts like stemming.

You can turn off search term highlighting by uncommenting the line search.no_highlight = 1; in config.tt2.

When highlighting is generally enabled, it may be turned on or off on a per-page basis through the use of a UI component which will request the page again without highlighting.

Highlighting of terms uses Template::Toolkit-driven CSS. A generic CSS class identifying a highlighted term, along with CSS classes identifying the search class and each search field are available for use for customization of the highlighting. A stock CSS template is provided as a baseline upon which sites may expand.

Copy Location Filter Displays for System Searches

The Shelving Location filter now displays on the advanced search page when a search is scoped to a library system, not just to an individual branch. If a library system is selected as the Search Library, the shelving location limiter will display any shelving location that is owned by the selected system or by the consortium. It will NOT display shelving locations owned by child branches.

Multi-source Attributes

We now allow record attribute definitions to extract data using more than one strategy (XPath, tag+subfield, fixed field, etc.) as long as the values from various sources would, after normalization, have the same shape.

Multilingual Search

This change allows us to configure multilingual search, by extracting values from both the 008 controlfield and the 041 datafield. Because the values in each can be normalized to the same controlled list (and, in practice, are already from the same normalized value set), catalog searches can now use normal boolean search semantics to find records with various combinations of language attributes.

E.g., in the concerto test data:

  • keyword: piano item_lang(eng) item_lang(ita)

Optional Display of Badges in Catalog

A new setting controls whether badges (popularity, etc.) are displayed in the catalog. If you do not wish badges to be displayed, set the ctx.hide_badge_scores setting to "true" in config.tt2.