
MARC Import/Export Interface Update (Angular Port)

This MARC Import/Export (AKA Vandelay) interface is now built on Angular(7) instead of Dojo. The functionality is consistent with the previous version of the interface, with minor UI adjustments to match the Angular style, plus one new interface called Recent Imports.

Import Templates

Users may now save sets of import attributes from the MARC import form as named templates. Users may select a default template, applied on page load by default, and users may delete existing templates.

Recent Imports Tab

This is a new interface which allows users to see active and recent Vandelay sesssions originating from the same workstation or logged in user account. Active sessions include real-time progress information so the user may track the progress without refreshing the page.

This interface makes it possible to exit the main import tab or the Vandelay interface altogether and return at a later time to check on import progress. It also allows users to start multiple imports at the same time and follow the status of each in one interace.

Spine Label Sheet Printing

Catalogers can now print spine labels onto 8 1/2 x 11 inch label sheets.