
Request Status

Patron Requests will use the following statuses:

  • New - This is the initial state for a newly created acquisition request. This is the only state from which a request is editable.
  • Pending - This is the state after a request is added to a selection list.
  • Ordered, Hold Not Placed - This is the state when an associated purchase order has been created and the request’s Place Hold flag is false.
  • Ordered, Hold Placed - This is the state when the request’s Place Hold flag is true, an associated purchase order has been created, and the bibliographic record and item for the request have been created in the catalog as part of the acquisitions process..
  • Received - This is the state when the line item on the linked purchase order has been marked as received.
  • Fulfilled - This is the state when an associated hold request has been fulfilled.
  • Canceled - This is the state when the acquisition request has been canceled.

Notifications/Action Triggers

The following email notifications are included with Evergreen, but are disabled by default. The notices can be enabled through the Notifications/Action Triggers interface under Administration → Local Administration. The existing notices could also be modified to place a message in the Patron Message Center. Any enabled notifications related to holds placed on requests will also be sent to patrons.

  • Email Notice: Acquisition Request created
  • Email Notice: Acquisition Request Rejected
  • Email Notice: Patron Acquisition Request marked On-Order
  • Email Notice: Patron Acquisition Request marked Cancelled
  • Email Notice: Patron Acquisition Request marked Received


This feature includes one new permission and makes use of several existing permissions. The following permissions are required to manage patron requests:


    • A new permission that allows users to clear completed requests
    • This permission has been added to the stock Acquisitions permission group
    • user_request.update will still be required with this sort of action
    • The stock permission mappings for the Acquisitions group will be changed to include this permission

    • Will allow the staff user to create a selection list.

    • Permission depth will apply to requests. If a user tries to view a patron request that is beyond the scope of their permissions, a permission denied message will appear with a prompt to log in with different credentials.
  • user_request.create
  • user_request.view
  • user_request.update

    • This is checked when updating a request or canceling a request
  • user_request.delete