Items Checked Out

Users can manage items currently checked out, like renew specific items. Users can also view overdue items and see how many renewals they have remaining for specific item.

As of Evergreen version 2.9, sorting of selected columns is available in the Items Checked Out and Check Out History pages. Clicking on the appropriate column heads sorts the contents from "ascending" to "descending" to "no sort". (The "no sort" restores the original list as presented in the screen.) The sort indicator (an up or down arrow) is placed to the right of the column head, as appropriate.

Within Items Checked OutCurrent Items Checked Out, the following column headers can be sorted: Title, Author, Renewals Left, Due Date, Barcode, and Call Number.

Within Items Checked OutCheck Out History, the following column headers can be sorted: Title, Author, Checkout Date, Due Date, Date Returned, Barcode, and Call Number


To protect patron privacy, the Check Out History will be completely blank unless the patron has previously opted in under the Account Preferences tab, in the Search and History Preferences area.