Claimed Returned Items

1) To mark an item Claimed Returned, retrieve the patron record and go to the Items Out screen.

2) Select the item, then select ActionsMark Claimed Returned from the dropdown menu.


3) Enter date in yyyy-mm-dd format and click Submit.


4) The Claimed Returned item now displays in the Other/Special Circulations section of the patron record.


5) The Claimed Returned item adds to the count of items that are Claimed Returned in the patron summary on the left (or top) of the screen. It also adds to the total Other/Special Circulations that is displayed when editing the patron’s record.



More on Claimed Returned Items

  • The date entered for a Claimed Returned item establishes the fine. If the date given has passed, bills will be adjusted accordingly.
  • When a Claimed Returned item is returned, if there is an outstanding bill associated with it, the item will not disappear from the Items Out screen. It will disappear when the outstanding bills are resolved.
  • When an item is marked Claimed Returned, the value in Claims-returned Count field in the patron record is automatically increased. Staff can manually adjust this count by editing the patron record.