Administering Evergreen through the Command Line

Documentation Interest Group

Table of Contents

I. Introduction
1. About This Documentation
2. About Evergreen
II. Installing Evergreen
3. System Requirements
Server Minimum Requirements
Web Client Requirements
Staff Client Requirements
4. Installing the Evergreen server
Preamble: referenced user accounts
Preamble: developer instructions
Installing prerequisites
Extra steps for web staff client
Configuration and compilation instructions
Installation instructions
Change ownership of the Evergreen files
Run ldconfig
Additional Instructions for Developers
Configure the Apache Web server
Configure OpenSRF for the Evergreen application
Configure action triggers for the Evergreen application
Creating the Evergreen database
Starting Evergreen
Testing connections to Evergreen
Getting help
5. Upgrading the Evergreen Server
Software Prerequisites
Upgrade the Evergreen code
Upgrade the Evergreen database schema
Restart Evergreen and Test
Review Release Notes
6. Setting Up EDI Acquisitions
7. Migrating from a legacy system
Making electronic resources visible in the catalog
Migrating your bibliographic records
Migrating your call numbers, items, and parts
Migrating Patron Data
III. Individual Evergreen Components
8. Easing gently into OpenSRF
Introducing OpenSRF
Enough jibber-jabber: writing an OpenSRF service
Getting under the covers with OpenSRF
Evergreen-specific OpenSRF services
Evergreen after one year: reflections on OpenSRF
Appendix: Python client
9. Support Scripts
authority_control_fields: Connecting Bibliographic and Authority records
marc_export: Exporting Bibliographic Records into MARC files
Parallel Ingest with
Importing Authority Records from Command Line
Juvenile-to-adult batch script
MARC Stream Importer
Processing Action Triggers
10. Daemons and services
Starting and Stopping the Reporter Daemon
ebook_api service
hold-targeter service
QStore service
11. Developing with pgTAP tests
Setting up pgTAP on your development server
Running pgTAP tests
IV. System Configuration
12. Describing your people
Setting the staff user’s working location
Comparing approaches for managing permissions
Managing permissions in the staff client
Managing role-based permission groups in the staff client
Managing role-based permission groups in the database
Authentication Proxy
Patron Address City/State/County Pre-Populate by ZIP Code
Apache Rewrite Tricks
Apache Access Handler Perl Module
13. Updating translations using Launchpad
Updating the translations
V. Cataloging Administration
14. Cataloging Staff Interface
Administering the Physical Characteristics Wizard
15. Cataloging timesavers and shortcuts
MARC Templates
16. Notes about the Bibliographic Schema in the Database
Bibliographic fingerprint
VI. Managing Staff from the Command Line
17. Changing passwords
VII. Patron Data
18. Aging Circulations
Global Flags
What Data is Aged?
How Circulations are Aged
Impacts on Billing Data
19. Purging holds
20. Purge User Activity
VIII. Backing up your Evergreen System
21. Database backups
Creating logical database backups
Restoring from logical database backups
Creating physical database backups with support for point-in-time recovery
Creating a replicated database
IX. UX Administration
22. TPac Configuration and Customization
Template toolkit documentation
Perl modules used directly by TPAC
Default templates
Apache configuration files
TPAC CSS and media files
Mapping templates to URLs
How to override templates
Changing some text in the TPAC
23. Designing your catalog
Configuring and customizing the public interface
Setting the default physical location for your library environment
Setting a default language and adding optional languages
Change Date Format in Patron Account View
Including External Content in Your Public Interface
Including Locally Hosted Content in Your Public Interface
Adding Carousels to Your Public Catalog
Styling the searchbar on the homepage
24. Designing the patron search experience
Editing the formats select box options in the search interface
Adding and removing search fields in advanced search
Changing the display of facets and facet groups
Facilitating search scope changes
Sitemap generator
Troubleshooting TPAC errors
25. Ebook API integration
Ebook API service configuration
OverDrive API integration
OneClickdigital API integration
Additional configuration
26. Managing audio alerts
Globally silencing sounds
Self-check interface
X. Creating a New Skin: the Bare Minimum
27. Introduction
28. Apache directives
29. Customizing templates
XI. Keeping Evergreen Current and Secure
30. Introduction
31. Upgrading the Evergreen software
32. Securing the server(s) on which your Evergreen installation runs
A. Attributions
B. Admonitions
C. Licensing

List of Tables

7.1. 856 field for electronic resources: indicators and subfields