Chapter 7. Evergreen 2.10.7
This release contains several bug fixes improving on Evergreen 2.10.6.
When adding a price to the Acquisitions Brief Record price field, it will
now propogate to the lineitem estimated price field.
Declares UTF-8 encoding when printing from the catalog to resolve issues
where non-ASCII characters printed incorrectly in some browsers.
Fixes an issue where the circ module sometimes skipped over booking logic
even when booking was running on a system.
Fixes an issue where the workstation parameter was not passed through
the login function, causing problems with opt-in settings and
transit behaviors.
We would like to thank the following individuals who contributed code,
testing and documentation patches to the 2.10.7 point release of
Eva Cerninakova
Bill Erickson
Mike Rylander
Dan Scott
Dan Wells