Chapter 79. Managing patron purchase requests

Table of Contents

Adding a request
Adding requests to selection lists

Patrons may wish to suggest titles for your Library to purchase. You can track these requests within Evergreen, whether or not you are using the acquisitions module for other purposes. This section describes how you can manage these requests.

  1. Go to Acquisitions → Patron Requests.
  2. The Requests Screen will show any other requests that patrons have made. You may sort the requests by clicking on the column headers.
  3. You can filter this screen by organizational unit or patron’s barcode. There are additional filter options available if you click on Filter.
  4. To remove a user filter, click on User and leave the barcode field blank.

Adding a request

You may add a patron purchase request using this screen.

  1. To add the request, click the Create Request button.


    You will need the CREATE_PURCHASE_REQUEST permission to add a request.

  2. If you have not already filtered the search using a patron’s barcode, you will be prompted to enter it before starting the request.
  3. The request type field is required. Every other field is optional, although it is recommended that you enter as much information about the request as possible.
  4. The Pickup Library, User, and Request Date/Time field will be filled in automatically.
  5. You have the option to automatically place a hold for the patron if your library decides to purchase the item. If you’d like Evergreen to generate this hold, check the Place Hold box.
  6. When you have finished entering information about the request, click the Save button.