Chapter 6. Evergreen 3.0.10

Table of Contents

Bug fixes

This release contains bug fixes improving on Evergreen 3.0.9. Note that all bug fixes refer to the web staff client unless otherwise specified.

Bug fixes

  • Fixes right-click issues with the Web client grids
  • Fixes an issue with the Default SMS Carrier in the patron edit form.
  • Fixes an issue that allowed overdue notices to be sent to a patron whose long overdue item has been paid for.
  • Checking in precat items now displays the "Route to Cataloging" alert each time the item is checked in.
  • Fixes an issue in which the Adjust to Zero feature does not close a checked-in lost circ.
  • Deleted copies that are still checked out can now be checked in.
  • Fixes a mislabeled column in the patron checkout grid.
  • Fixes an error with the missing pieces functionality.
  • Courier codes now display in the transit slip receipt preview.
  • The Item Status grid now displays OU shortnames instead of full names for the "Circulation Library" column.
  • The Volume/Copy editor now allows users to remove a value from the Age Hold Protection field.
  • Barcode completion now works in copy buckets.
  • The Z39.50 interface now notices when another record has been marked for overlay.
  • Fixes a display issue for the Remove MARC Field Groups checkboxes in the Z39.50 interface.
  • Fixes a performance issue for the Validate button in the MARC Editor.
  • Fixes an incorrect close tag in the Print Item Labels toolbar.
  • Better scoping of copy tags in search results.
  • Electronic Resource links now open in a new tab.
  • Fixes an issue with the fiscal year close-out operation.
  • Improves serials item deletes.