Chapter 145. Bibliographic Search Enhancements

Table of Contents

Use the Catalog to Retrieve Records with Specified Date Ranges:
Search by Create Date or Range
Search by Edit Date or Range
Search by Deleted Status
Use a Feed to Retrieve Records with Specified Date Ranges:

Enhancements to the bibliographic search function enable you to search for records that were created, edited, or deleted within a date range. You can use the catalog interface or the record feed to search for records with specific date ranges.

Note that all dates should be formatted as YYYY-MM-DD and should be included in parentheses.

Use the Catalog to Retrieve Records with Specified Date Ranges:

Search by Create Date or Range

To find records that were created on or after a specific date, enter the term, create_date, and the date in the catalog search field. For example, to find records that were created on or after April 1, 2013, enter the following into the catalog search field:


To find records that were created within a specific date range, enter the term, create_date, followed by comma-separated dates in parentheses. For example, to find records that were created between April 1, 2013 and April 8, 2013, enter the following into the catalog search field:


Search by Edit Date or Range

To find records that were edited on or before a specific date, enter the term, edit-date, and the date in the catalog search field. The date should be preceded by a comma. For example, to find records that were edited on or before April 1, 2013, enter the following into the catalog search field:


To find records that were edited on or after a specific date, enter the term, edit_date, and the date in the catalog search field. For example, to find records that were edited on or after April 1, 2013, enter the following into the catalog search field:


To find records that were edited within a specific range, enter the term, edit_date, followed by comma-separated dates in parentheses. For example, to find records that were edited between April 1, 2013 and April 8, 2013, enter the following into the catalog search field:


Search by Deleted Status

To search for deleted records, enter in your catalog search field the term, edit_date, the date that you want to search, and the term, #deleted. For example, to find records that were deleted on or after April 1, 2013, enter the following into the catalog search field:


To find records that were deleted within a specific range, enter the term, edit_date, followed by comma-separated dates in parentheses. For example, to find records that were deleted between April 1, 2013 and April 8, 2013, enter the following into the catalog search field:
