Chapter 18. Describing your organization

Table of Contents

Organization Unit Types
Create and edit Organization Unit Types
Organizational Units
Remove or edit default Organizational Units
Create and edit Organizational Units
Organizational Unit data
After Changing Organization Unit Data

Your Evergreen system is almost ready to go. You’ll need to add each of the libraries that will be using your Evergreen system. If you’re doing this for a consortium, you’ll have to add your consortium as a whole, and all the libraries and branches that are members of the consortium. In this chapter, we’ll talk about how to get the Evergreen system to see all your libraries, how to set each one up, and how to edit all the details of each one.

Organization Unit Types

The term Organization Unit Types refers to levels in the hierarchy of your library system(s). Examples could include: All-Encompassing Consortium, Library System, Branch, Bookmobile, Sub-Branch, etc.

You can add or remove organizational unit types, and rename them as needed to match the organizational hierarchy that matches the libraries using your installation of Evergreen. Organizational unit types should never have proper names since they are only generic types.

When working with configuration, settings, and permissions, it is very important to be careful of the Organization Unit Context Location - this is the organizational unit to which the configuration settings are being applied. If, for example, a setting is applied at the Consortium context location, all child units will inherit that setting. If a specific branch location is selected, only that branch and its child units will have the setting applied. The levels of the hierarchy to which settings can be applied are often referred to in terms of "depth" in various configuration interfaces. In a typical hierarchy, the consortium has a depth of 0, the system is 1, the branch is 2, and any bookmobiles or sub-branches is 3.

Create and edit Organization Unit Types

  1. Open Administration > Server Administration > Organization Types.
  2. In the left panel, expand the Organization Unit Types hierarchy.
  3. Click on a organization type to edit the existing type or to add a new organization unit.
  4. A form opens in the right panel, displaying the data for the selected organization unit.
  5. Edit the fields as required and click Save.

To create a new dependent organization unit, click New Child. The new child organization unit will appear in the left panel list below the parent. Highlight the new unit and edit the data as needed, click Save