Chapter 24. Designing the patron search experience

Table of Contents

Editing the formats select box options in the search interface
Adding and removing search fields in advanced search
Changing the display of facets and facet groups
Facilitating search scope changes
Sitemap generator
Running the sitemap generator
Sitemap details
Troubleshooting TPAC errors

Editing the formats select box options in the search interface

You may wish to remove, rename or organize the options in the formats select box. This can be accomplished from the staff client.

  1. From the staff client, navigate to Administration → Server Administration → Marc Coded Value Maps
  2. Select Type from the Record Attribute Type select box.
  3. Double click on the format type you wish to edit.
Coded Value Map Format Editor

To change the label for the type, enter a value in the Search Label field.

To move the option to a top list separated by a dashed line from the others, check the Is Simple Selector check box.

To hide the type so that it does not appear in the search interface, uncheck the OPAC Visible checkbox.

Changes will be immediate.