Chapter 44. Adjusting Relevance Ranking and Indexing

Table of Contents

Metabib Class FTS Config Maps
Metabib Field FTS Config Maps

Metabib Class FTS Config Maps


These settings will apply to all libraries in your consortium. There is no way to apply these settings to only one library or branch.

  • Field Class - Reference to a field defined in Administration > Server Administration > MARC Search/Facet Classes.
  • Text Search Config - Which Text Search config to use
  • Active - Check this checkbox to use this configuration for searching and indexing.
  • Index Weight - The FTS index weight to use for this FTS config. Should be A, B, C, or D, defaults to C. You can see the exact numeric values for A, B, C, and D in Administration > Server Administration > MARC Search/Facet Classes.
  • Index Language - An optional 3-letter code representing the language the record should be set to in order for this FTS config to be used for indexing. should be set to in order for this FTS config to be used for indexing
  • Search Language - An optional 3-letter code representing what preferred language search should be selected by the end-user in order for this FTS config to be applied to their search.
  • Always Use - Check this checkbox to override the configuration for a more specific field. For example, if you check this box when entering a setting for the author metabib class, it will override any settings you have made for the author|personal field in the Administration > Server Administration > Metabib Field FTS Config Maps screen.