There are many default receipt templates included with the Evergreen staff client. These templates are saved on individual workstations. Customization can be done workstation by workstation or by exporting the templates to import to other workstations.
All receipts in Evergreen follow a basic format of a Header, Line item and Footer.
The receipt templates follow full W3C html.
The Receipt Template Editor can be found at: Admin → Workstation Administration → Receipt Template Editor
The Editor can also be found on the default home page of the staff client.
Receipts come in various types: Bills, checkout, items, holds, transits and Payments.
To edit a Receipt:
Choose the Receipt in the drop down list.
Make edits to the Receipt on the right hand side.
Click out of the section you are editing to see what your changes will look right on the Left hand side.
Click 'Save Locally' in the Upper right hand corner.
Receipt templates use macros for various pieces of information coming from the Evergreen database. Macros deal with everything from the Library name to the due date of an item. See list Receipt Macros for the macros. You can also click on MACROS on the screen to see the macros that are available for a given receipt.
Remember: Not all Macros listed on the pop up screen will work. The listing of macros are drawn from the table that the receipt pulls information from. Some of the tables will not have any data in some of the fields. Example is the %mbts_xact_finish% on the Bills Current Slip, as this is a list of current bills, they would not have a finish date.
Once you have your receipts set up on one machine you can export your receipts, and then load them on to another machine. Just remember to 'Save Locally' once you import the receipts on the new machine.
As you can only save a template on to the computer you are working on you will need to export the template if you have more than one computer that prints out receipts (i.e., more than one computer on the circulation desk, or another computer in the workroom that you use to checkin items or capture holds with)
Click OK.
Customizing the receipts is fairly simple once you realize what can be placed in each of the sections of the receipts. One thing to remember when customizing receipts to always 'Save Locally'. Checkouts, Hold Slip, Hold Transit Slip are customized below.
Always remember to 'Save Locally'.
This feature enables you to use Mozilla-specific CSS to print holds with a landscape layout. To use the landscape layout:
Enter the stylesheet text in the <div> bracket that appears before the block of text that you wish to rotate:
<div style="moz-transform: rotate(90deg);">
You can further customize the look of the text by adjusting its height and width. The height and width that you specify will be unique to your printer.
For example, you could add the following height and width to your rotated text:
<div style="moz-transform: rotate(90deg);height: 300px; width: 200px;">
The holds slip will print with the configured text in a landscape layout:
This is the receipt that prints when items are checked out to individuals. Item you can customize are adding the library logo, adding information about renewals on the bottom of the receipt. If you notice at the end of the Footer the <br/>.<br/>, the allows an auto cut printer a little extra room so it will not cut the phone number off. The period is needed so the extra lines are added.
<img align="center" src=""><br/> Welcome to %LIBRARY%!<br/> You checked out the following items: <hr/> <ol>
Line Item
<li>%title%<br/> By: %author%<br/> Barcode: %barcode%<br/> Due: %due_date%
</ol> <hr /> %SHORTNAME% %TODAY_TRIM%<br/> You were helped by %STAFF_FIRSTNAME%<br/> <br/> <center>If you want to renew your materials please visit<br/><br/> or call us at ###-###-####</center> <br/> <br/> .<br/>
This is the slip that prints when a hold is fulfilled. Things to customize are the patrons name at the top of the slip, Bold the %hold_for_msg%, among others.
<font size="6"><b>%PATRON_LASTNAME%, %PATRON_FIRSTNAME%</b> </font><br/><br/><br/><br/> This item needs to be routed to <b>%route_to%</b>:<br/> Barcode: %item_barcode%<br/> Title: %item_title%<br/> <br/> <b>%hold_for_msg%</b><br/> Barcode: %PATRON_BARCODE%<br/> Notify by phone: %notify_by_phone%<br/> Notify by email: %notify_by_email%<br/>
Line Item
Request date: %request_date%<br/> <br/> Slip Date: %TODAY_D% %TODAY_I%:%TODAY_M%<br/> Printed by %STAFF_FIRSTNAME% at %SHORTNAME%<br/>.<br/>
This is the slip that prints when a hold is fulfilled. This slip uses the SUBSTR macro to truncate the Patrons Last name to the first 4 characters and the patron’s barcode to the last 5 digits. This slip is designed for libraries that use self-serve holds. So, you will notice a lot of information about the hold is left off of the receipt.
<p style="padding-top:80px; padding-bottom:80px"> <font size="6"><b> %SUBSTR(0,4)%%PATRON_LASTNAME%%SUBSTR_END% %SUBSTR(-5)%%PATRON_BARCODE%%SUBSTR_END% </b></font></p> </font><br/><br/><br/><br/> This item needs to be routed to <b>%route_to%</b>:<br/> Barcode: %item_barcode%<br/> Title: %item_title%<br/> <br/> Notify by phone: %notify_by_phone%<br/>
Line Item
Request date: %request_date%<br/> <hr style="border: 1px dotted"/><br/> Slip Date: %TODAY_TRIM%<br/> Printed by %STAFF_FIRSTNAME% at %SHORTNAME%<br/>.<br/>
This is the slip that is printed when an Item is needed at another library for a hold. In this customization, the address of the library is removed, The library’s shortname size is increased, and made a little more notable at top, and the patron’s phone number and email address is removed from the slip.
<font size="5">Route to %route_to%</font><br/><br/><br/> This item needs to be routed to <b>%route_to%</b>:<br/> %route_to_org_fullname%<br/><br/> Barcode: %item_barcode%<br/> Title: %item_title%<br/> Author: %item_author%<br><br/> %hold_for_msg%<br/> Barcode: %PATRON_BARCODE%<br/>
Line Item
<br/>Request date: %request_date%<br/> Slip Date: %TODAY_TRIM%<br/> Printed at %SHORTNAME%<br/> <br/><br/>.<br/>
This is a complete list of all the receipts currently in use in Evergreen.
item_status |
transit_list |
items_out |
renew |
checkout |
offline_checkout |
checkin |
bill_payment |
bills_historical |
bills_current |
offline_checkin |
offline_renew |
offline_inhouse_use |
in_house_use |
holds |
holds_on_bib |
holds_for_patron |
holds_shelf |
holds_pull_list |
hold_slip |
transit_slip |
hold_transit_slip |
holdings_maintenance |
Here is a list of the Receipt Template Macros that are in use on the receipts. There are two types of macros General and type specific. General Macros can be used on any of the receipts. Type specific macros are available depending on the type of the receipt.
Library full name |
Library Policy Name |
First name of Staff login account |
Last name of Staff login account |
Barcode of Staff login account |
Profile of Staff login account |
First name of Patron |
Last name of Patron |
%PATRON_BARCODE% or %patron_barcode% |
Patron Barcode |
Full Date and time in the format: Wed Sep 21 2011 13:20:44 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time) |
Date and time in a shorted format: 2011-09-21 13:21 |
%TODAY_m% |
Two digit Month: 09 |
%TODAY_d% |
Two digit Day: 21 |
Year: 2011 |
Hour in 24 hour day: 13 |
Hour in 12 hour format: 1 |
Minutes of the Hour: 24 |
date in standard US format: 09/21/11 |
date in International Standard: 2011-09-21 |
%-TRIM% |
Trims white space before the macro |
%TRIM-% |
Trims white space after the macro |
Take substring starting at position # to end of string. If # is negative count backwards from end of string. |
Same as %SUBSTR(#)%, but limit to second provided number characters after start point. If second number is negative, count backwards instead of forwards. |
There are several macros that can carry pre-built contents specific to individual libraries. The contents can be set up in local administration. For details see Library Settings. Though text can be hard-coded in receipt templates, the pre-built contents will be automatically applied to receipts printed from all workstations without editing each template.
It should say Hold Shelf if it is a hold being fulfilled |
%item_barcode% |
Item Barcode |
%item_title% |
Item Title |
%hold_for_msg% |
Hold for Message: this gives the patron’s Name |
Patron’s Barcode |
%notify_by_phone% |
Phone number listed in the Hold Database. This may not be the same as what is in the Patron’s record, as they can list another number when placing the hold. |
%notify_by_email% |
Email listed in Hold Database. Same as phone number |
%request_date% |
The date that the Request was originally placed. |
%formatted_note% |
Hold Notes (new to 2.1) |
%notify_by_text% |
SMS contact number (new to 2.2) |
Check out
%title% |
Title |
%author% |
Author |
%barcode% |
Item Barcode |
%due_date% |
Due Date: formated by the date field in the library settings editor |
%original_balance% |
The original balance the patron owes |
%payment_received% |
How much was received from the patron |
%payment_applied% |
How much of the payment was applied |
%payment_type% |
What type of payment was applied: IE Cash |
%voided_balance% |
Any Voided balance |
%change_given% |
How much change was given |
%new_balance% |
The new balance on the account |
%note% |
Any notes on the annotated payment |
%bill_id% or %mbts_id% |
The id for the bill in the bill database |
%payment% |
How much of the payment that was applied was applied to this title |
%title% |
Title that the payment was applied to. |
%last_billing_type% |
The type of bill that was last charged to the patron for this title |
%last_billing_note% |
Notes on the last bill |
%last_payment_type% |
The type of payment that was last used to pay the bill |
%mbts_xact_start% |
The date that the bill was started |
%last_payment_note% |
Notes on last payment |
%xact_type% |
Type of Biil |
%barcode% |
Item barcode |
%title% |
title of item |
%mbts_id% |
The id for the bill in the bill database |
%title% |
Title that the payment was applied to. |
%last_billing_type% |
The type of bill that was last charged to the patron for this bill |
%last_billing_note% |
Notes on the last bill |
%last_billing_ts% |
The time stamp for the last billing |
%last_payment_type% |
The type of payment that was last used to pay the bill |
%last_payment_note% |
Notes on last payment |
%last_payment_ts% |
The time stamp for the last payment |
%mbts_xact_start% |
The date that the bill was started (currently not working) |
%xact_type% |
Type of Biil |
%title% |
title of item |
Transit receipts come into two types, general Transit receipts and Transit slips. Transit receipts are listings of item that are in transits. Transit slips are Slips telling the staff that this item is in transit to another location.
Table 44.1. General Transits
%transit_item_author% |
Item author |
%transit_item_barcode% |
Barcode of item in transit |
%transit_item_callnumber% |
Call number of item in transit |
%transit_item_title% |
Title of Item intransit |
%transit_dest_lib% |
Destination Library |
%transit_source_send_time% |
Time item was sent intransit |
%transit_source% |
Library that placed the item intransit. |
Table 44.2. Transit Slip
%route_to% |
Library Policy Name that the item is in transit to |
%route_to_org_fullname% |
Library Full Name that the item is in transit to |
%street1% |
Library Street address Line 1 that the item is in transit to. |
%street2% |
Library Street address Line 2 that the item is in transit to. |
%city_state_zip% |
City, State, Zip of Library the Item is in transit to. |
%item_barcode% |
Item barcode |
%item_title% |
Item title |
%item_author% |
Item Author |
%hold_for_msg% |
Hold for Message: this gives the patron’s name |
Patron’s Barcode |
%notify_by_phone% |
Phone number listed in the Hold Database. This may not be the same as what is in the Patron’s record, as they can list another number when placing the hold. |
%notify_by_email% |
Email listed in Hold Database. Same as phone number |
%notify_by_text% |
SMS contact number (new to 2.2) |
%request_date% |
Date that the Request was originally placed |